Advisory regarding Southern California wildfires

Advisory regarding Southern California wildfires

On behalf of everyone at Thomas Edison State University, we hope that students affected by the wildfires in Southern California remain safe. The University is offering accommodations to students affected by the wildfires:

  • Students who are directly impacted by the fires and who are currently registered in courses for the November 2024, December 2024 and January 2025 terms have the option of receiving a free eight-week course extension without mentor approval; or, a 100% tuition credit for their course(s) to a future term. Affected students should submit a Request for Course Extension Form or a Request for Course Withdrawal Form indicating “Southern California wildfires” as the reason for the request. Please note that TECEP exams in these terms cannot be extended, nor credited for tuition after the exam has been taken.
  • Impacted students who are currently on a course extension for the September 2024 and October 2024 terms can request a second eight-week extension on their current term at no additional cost.

Request an Accommodation: Students affected by the wildfire and evacuations who need an accommodation should contact the Office of the Registrar by email at or by phone at 609-777-5680. Accommodation requests should be submitted by January 24th. Requests after that date can be accommodated if the student provides documentation of the reason for the late request.

Presidential Alumni Scholarship

The Presidential Alumni Scholarship is awarded to students who have completed a bachelor’s or master’s degree at Thomas Edison State University and are looking to continue their education. The $500 scholarship can be applied to two TESU master’s or doctoral degree program courses at $250 per course.

Steps for Applying for this Scholarship

A woman prepares to place a medal around a student's neck.

  1. Apply for a graduate program at Thomas Edison State University — alumni are given an application fee waiver code once you indicate you are a TESU Graduate/Alumni on the application.
  2. Once you have met all University admissions requirements and have been admitted into your graduate program of your choice, you should fill out the Presidential Alumni Scholarship Form below.
  3. Please note: Students must use the scholarship within a year of their graduation date.

Before completing the Presidential Alumni Scholarship Form, please note these guidelines

  • A student must apply and be admitted to a graduate program at Thomas Edison State University, per standard admissions procedures. Please note: certain graduate programs require additional documentation.
  • Students who have received a C, F or W previously at Thomas Edison State University in a graduate course, or TESU alumni who do not possess an institutional GPA must be reviewed for admission and will require additional documentation.
  • Eligible alumni are only permitted to receive the Presidential Alumni Scholarship one time.
    The scholarship is for graduates to further their studies at Thomas Edison State University. It will be applied to the tuition for graduate online courses. The scholarship must be used for enrollment in two courses, with half of the $500 scholarship applied to each course.
  • A student utilizing the scholarship is required to submit the scholarship award confirmation online for the funds to be applied to the student’s account. The scholarship will be applied to a student’s tuition after all other financial aid grant dollars and other non-loan aid have been applied. Refunds will not be given.
  • The Presidential Alumni Scholarship is not transferrable, and the University reserves the discretion to deny the application of the scholarship for good cause.
  • Students must follow the academic calendar and submit the Presidential Alumni Scholarship application during the registration period for the term they wish to register.
  • For students who are utilizing financial aid, the scholarship must be used within the financial aid award schedule.
  • Students who are utilizing certain military or veteran benefits may not be able to apply this scholarship as refunds are not permitted.
  • If a student withdraws from a course, the scholarship is forfeited and cannot be transferred to another term.
  • The scholarship cannot be applied to previous registrations.
  • Payment is required after the scholarship has been applied to the student's balance. Registration will be confirmed by email.

Questions? Please reach out to Graduate Admissions at or 609-777-5680.

Complete the Scholarship Form