Compliance Information

Thomas Edison State University, along with other institutions of higher education, is required by state and/or federal regulations to make available the following information about our University. It is important to note that, while this data is accurate, these reports were designed for institutions serving mostly traditional age (18-22 years old), full-time students who attend campus-based institutions. Accordingly, this information may or may not be applicable and/or useful in understanding the Thomas Edison State University environment or experience. If you have any questions about these reports, please contact the Division of Planning and Research at

Principles of Excellence Compliance

Information on how Thomas Edison State University complies with Executive Order 13607.

Read the Principles of Excellence Compliance

Federal and State Consumer Information

Information required by the New Jersey Student and Parent Consumer Information Act.

Read Our Consumer Information

HEOA Student Consumer Information

Information required by the Higher Education Opportunity Act.

Read Our Student Consumer Disclosure

Title IX and Grievance Procedures

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and its implementing regulations, prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities at higher education institutions receiving federal financial assistance.

Department of Defense Voluntary Education Partnership Memorandum of Understanding (DoD MOU)

Information on how Thomas Edison State University complies with the DoD MOU.

Read our DoD MOU Disclosure