Welcome to Academic Advising

Our advisors assist students with most aspects of their Thomas Edison State University experience, including reviewing their MyProgress degree plan, selecting courses and programs of study, interpreting University policies and preparing for graduation. We are dedicated to assisting our students in program planning and empowering them to make informed decisions during their degree pursuit.
The resources on this page provide students with information about the advising process, course registration, ways to earn credit and how to make an advising appointment. I encourage all students to visit this page periodically, as we plan to add additional resources for students in the coming months.
On behalf of our entire Office of Academic Advising team, I wish you success in your academic endeavors.
Pamela A. DeMartino
Senior Director of Academic Advising and Student Success
Need Academic Assistance?
Our academic advisors are here to help. Schedule an advising appointment today to receive one-on-one assistance.
Schedule an Appointment