Advisory regarding Southern California wildfires

Advisory regarding Southern California wildfires

On behalf of everyone at Thomas Edison State University, we hope that students affected by the wildfires in Southern California remain safe. The University is offering accommodations to students affected by the wildfires:

  • Students who are directly impacted by the fires and who are currently registered in courses for the November 2024, December 2024 and January 2025 terms have the option of receiving a free eight-week course extension without mentor approval; or, a 100% tuition credit for their course(s) to a future term. Affected students should submit a Request for Course Extension Form or a Request for Course Withdrawal Form indicating “Southern California wildfires” as the reason for the request. Please note that TECEP exams in these terms cannot be extended, nor credited for tuition after the exam has been taken.
  • Impacted students who are currently on a course extension for the September 2024 and October 2024 terms can request a second eight-week extension on their current term at no additional cost.

Request an Accommodation: Students affected by the wildfire and evacuations who need an accommodation should contact the Office of the Registrar by email at or by phone at 609-777-5680. Accommodation requests should be submitted by January 24th. Requests after that date can be accommodated if the student provides documentation of the reason for the late request.

HEERF Reporting

The federal government has enacted HEERF (Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund) that includes financial aid grants to students made possible under the CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act), CRRSAA (Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations) and ARP (American Rescue Plan) for those impacted by COVID-19.

Thomas Edison State University has received $2,201,188 in HEERF funding. This funding includes $103,540 from the (a)(1) Institutional Cost fund; $1,614,897 from the (a)(2) Student Emergency Relief fund; and $482,751 for FIPSE (Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education). The University is committed to provide relief for students through use CARES, CRRSAA and ARP for student awards.

Thomas Edison total enrollment is 14,351 students. Of these students, approximately 100% are estimated to meet the Secretary of Education’s prescribed student eligibility criteria and therefore are eligible for HEERF student assistance grants.

Through March 31, 2022, the University has distributed $1,623,521 to 1,466 students as emergency relief grants. Under U.S. Department of Education guidelines, awarded funds must be used for food, housing, course materials, technology, healthcare and childcare expenses related to disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

If you wish to apply for student economic aid, the U.S. Department of Education allows the University to award funds to those with exceptional need. Extraordinary financial circumstances are defined as:

  • Significant unexpected expenses
  • Loss of employment or reduced income
  • Food or housing insecurity

CARES funding has been exhausted; application is no longer available.

Thomas Edison State University has signed and returned a certification and agreement to the U.S. Department of Education providing assurances that the University will use designated HEERF, CRRSAA and ARP funds to provide emergency financial aid grants to students.
