New Jersey Statewide Transfer & Articulation Agreement Appeals Process

Thomas Edison State University has implemented the New Jersey Statewide Transfer and Articulation Agreement policies as a transfer resource to support course transfer decisions made by the University. The University provides an appeal process for students who believe a transfer decision is not consistent with this policy. This appeal process is featured on the University’s website and in the University Catalog. Questions regarding the appeal process can be forwarded to the Office of the Registrar by phone at (609)777-5680 or by email to

Procedures and Appeal Guidelines

Review Procedures
Undergraduate students who disagree with any portion of their transfer credit evaluation should submit a written request for review to the registrar by mail to Office of the Registrar, Thomas Edison State University, 111 W. State St. Trenton, NJ 08608 or by email to

Students have 30 calendar days from receipt of the academic evaluation to file an appeal. The request for review should include the following information:

  • Your full name
  • Thomas Edison State University ID number
  • Mailing address and phone number
  • Email address
  • Detailed narrative to include supporting rationale and reason for appeal
  • Documentation which supports the request. This could include course descriptions, course syllabus, course objectives, learning outcomes, transcripts or other relevant information

Thomas Edison State University’s Office of the Registrar will conduct a review of the credit evaluation and respond to the student in writing with a decision within 60 days of receipt of the appeal.

Formal Appeals

Undergraduate students not satisfied with the Office of the Registrar’s determination or who believe that the decision is not consistent with the Statewide Transfer and Articulation Agreement may appeal in writing to the Associate Vice President, Office of the Provost within 30 calendar days of receipt of the decision of the Office of the Registrar. The appeal should contain the same information required for the registrar’s review (see above) along with any additional explanations or arguments the student wishes to have considered. The Associate Vice President will consider the appeal within 30 calendar days of receipt. In the deliberations, the Associate Vice President may consult with subject matter experts or other members of the Provost’s staff. She or he may affirm, reject, modify or adjust the transfer credit evaluation as deemed appropriate and will inform the student, in writing, of the University’s decision. The decision of the Provost’s Office is final and may not be appealed within the institution.