LinkedIn Profiles

LinkedIn has become an essential job search component; start with an effective LinkedIn profile. Where resumes have a particular format and structure, LinkedIn profiles let your personality shine through.

Keep these profile factors in mind

  • Introduce yourself with a professional but energizing headline.
    • Focus on the type of role you see yourself in and/or what you bring to the table, rather than job titles and companies.
    • Be concise, engaging and accurate.
  • Broaden your appeal.
    • Keep as wide of a location region as you are willing to accept — not just the ideal location.
    • Include relevant industries. This enables employers to find you more easily.
  • Personalize your profile.
    • Add a professional photo — if you don’t have a head shot, use a photo of you in professional dress without visual distractions (crop if needed to put the focus on you).
    • Add a background photo and customize your LinkedIn URL.
    • Tailor the “About” summary to your targeted audience. Think of it as the answer to "Tell me a little bit about yourself?" from an interview or your elevator pitch at a job fair. Keep it short (no more than three short paragraphs)
    • Focus on relevant experiences, skills, projects or volunteer work, whether obtained through work, school or outside activities. Use keywords for your field.
    • Summarize each experience as it relates to your current goal(s) or copy and paste from the resume.
    • Add a current job even when unemployed — if unemployed use your desired job title with “Seeking Opportunities” or “In Transition” in the company name box.
    • Incorporate skills and focus on those that are most relevant. You should list approximately 10-to-20 skills to start.
    • Include professional interests.
  • Leverage LinkedIn by:
    • Use the Thomas Edison State University page to identify alumni for networking purposes (or employer pages to find employees to connect with).
    • Joining relevant groups.
    • Networking within your desired industry.
    • When proposing a connection, sending a message to the person introducing yourself.
    • Searching job postings.

Request to have your LinkedIn profile reviewed by emailing with the link to your profile. Our staff will provide feedback on what is effective and how you can improve your profile within three business days.