B.S. Degree in Aviation Flight Technology

This chart is informational in nature and designed to help prospective students see how they can apply up to 57 credits from Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certifications and earn additional credit via online courses offered through Sophia to the B.S. degree with an area of study in aviation flight technology at Thomas Edison State University. It is not an official academic evaluation. Learn how to earn credit for your FAA credentials.

Degree Requirements Earned via Sophia and
TESU Courses
Earned via FAA Certifications Credits
I. General Education 60
A. Intellectual and Practical Skills 15
  • Written Communication
    (Grade of C/CR or better)
Sophia: English Comp. I*
TESU: ENC-1020: English Comp. II*
  • Oral Communication
Sophia: Public Speaking   (3)
  • Quantitative Literacy
Sophia: College Algebra*   (3)
  • Information Literacy
TESU: SOS-1100 Critical Information Literacy   (3)
B. Civic and Global Learning 9
  • Diversity
Sophia: Intro to Sociology*   (3)
  • Ethics
Sophia: Intro to Ethics*   (3)
  • Civic Engagement
Select TESU Civic Engagement Courses   (3)
C. Knowledge of Human Cultures 9
  • Humanities and/or
    Social Sciences
Sophia course options (select 3): Courses used to fulfill this requirement may not be used to fulfill general education electives.   (9)
D. Understanding the Physical and Natural World 8
  • Natural Sciences
TESU: PHY-1150: Physics I w/ Lab
TESU: PHY-1160: Physics II w/ Lab
E. Mathematics TESU: MAT-1290: Precalculus   3
F. General Education Electives 16
  • Required elective
TESU: EAS-1311: Intro to Meteorology   (3)
  • Required elective
TESU: CIS-1070: Computer Concepts and Applications*   (3)
  • Required elective
Sophia: Statistics*   (3)
  Sophia course options (select 2): Courses used to fulfill this requirement may not be used to fulfill humanities/social sciences requirements.   (6)
  Contact your advisor for options.   (1)
II. Area of Study: Aviation Flight Technology
Students may earn all Area of Study credit via FAA certifications, except the Capstone requirement.
Applied Science and Technology Capstone TESU: APS-4010: Current Trends and Applications   3
III. Electives   Elective credit earned by credits awarded for FAA certifications. 15
Total Credits 120

*credits for this requirement may also be completed via TECEP® exam.

To receive an official academic evaluation of transfer credits, including credits earned for FAA certifications and previously earned credits from regionally accredited colleges and universities you have attended, you must apply to Thomas Edison State University. Credits earned via Sophia courses must be submitted to the University via an official ACE transcript for credit to be awarded. Your academic evaluation will show you how your transfer credits apply to your degree and what credits you still need to complete your degree. Sophia courses will also appear as transfer credit. The University Catalog contains academic policies governing the acceptance and application of transfer credit.