Open Public Records Act (OPRA)

The New Jersey Open Public Records Act (OPRA) grants the public the right to access government records. Thomas Edison State University is committed to complying with OPRA and providing access to records as required by law. The Open Public Records Act, N.J.S.A. 47:1 A-1 outlines the types of records that are open to the public and procedures for requesting such records.

Thomas Edison State University, in compliance with the Open Public Records Act (OPRA), hereby provides notice that all University records other than those identified by OPRA as exempt or as exceptions and therefore as confidential and privileged or as protected from disclosure by federal or other State law will be available to the public according to the procedure described on the TESU Open Public Records Request Form.

Submission Process

The University prefers requests for records covered under OPRA be made by submitting a completed TESU OPRA Request Form to:

ATTN: Custodian of Records
Office of General Counsel
Thomas Edison State University
111 W. State St.
Trenton, NJ 08608

Or send by email to:

The information requested on the form is required when requesting a government record pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1, et seq. The Custodian of Records will not consider a request unless and until all required information is provided. Your form must clearly describe the records you are seeking. If you submit your request to any other officer or employee of the University that does not have authorization to accept requests pursuant to the Open Public Records Act, you will be directed to the Custodian of Records. Your request will not be considered filed until it is received by the Custodian of Records.

The University will respond to your OPRA request within seven business days. The response will either grant access to the records, deny access with an explanation, seek clarification of your request, or request an extension of time.

Access to certain records may be denied as permitted by OPRA. If your request for access to a government record has been denied or unfilled, you have a right to appeal or to challenge the denial of access. You may either institute a proceeding in the Superior Court of New Jersey or file a complaint with the Government Records Council (“GRC”) by completing the Denial of Access Complaint Form. You may contact the GRC by toll-free telephone (866-850-0511); by mail (P.O. Box 819, Trenton, NJ, 08625); by e-mail (; or, at its website (

The GRC can also answer other questions about OPRA. All questions regarding complaints filed in Superior Court should be directed to the Court Clerk in your County. Additional information about the Open Public Records Act is available at the New Jersey Government Records Council.

OPRA Request Form

If you experience difficulty accessing or reading the form due to a disability, please email for assistance or to submit your request directly.