Professional Learning Review

Reviews Conducted by Thomas Edison State University

Grouped by industry, the external credentials and organization-specific training programs listed on this page have been reviewed for college credit by Thomas Edison State University. Students may apply Professional Learning Review (PLR) credits at Thomas Edison State University toward most parts of a degree program, including the area of study in some circumstances, provided they successfully complete the learning experience and submit appropriate documentation. Please note that the awarded course must meet the TESU degree requirements in order to apply to a specific section. Scroll through the list below and click on the link to see details about college credits, related degree programs and how to get started. Any questions on how PLR credits may be utilized toward a Thomas Edison State University degree may be submitted to a TESU academic advisor for assistance.

Please be advised that Thomas Edison State University’s Professional Learning Review (PLR) process and the resulting credit awards are specific to the organization sponsoring the reviewed training program or issuing the reviewed credential. The credit awards are not transferrable to other organizations with similar training programs or credentials. This is because our review process goes well beyond an examination of common industry standards, curriculum and textbooks, to also include several academically significant elements at the implementation level.

PLR credit can only be awarded based upon official documents from the reviewed training source; training programs or certifications with similar names do not qualify for PLR credit. You may find our student FAQ’s on PLR helpful in better understanding PLR and alternative prior learning assessment options, like TECEP or portfolio assessment.

Official evaluations are required for enrollment/registration. The Academic Evaluation will indicate all credits transferred into Thomas Edison State University and how they will be applied toward degree program completion. Official documentation of completion is required for a student to receive credit. More information and instructions for submission can be found on OPLR’s student page.

If you do not see your learning experience listed below, the University also accepts credits for reviews completed by the National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS) of the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York or by the American Council on Education’s CREDIT program. View more information on these external assessment programs.

Quick Links by Industry

NOTE: ** The review is no longer current with OPLR. Please check the linked page or consult with your University advisor for the most recent date of completion acceptable for a credit award at TESU.