Board of Trustees

The Thomas Edison State University Board of Trustees is the premier governing body of the University.

Its composition and size is determined by the Board; however, the Board has not fewer than seven and not more than 15 members. The members are citizens of the state of New Jersey appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the state Senate. The Board of Trustees recommends potential new members to the governor. The term of office of appointed members is for six years. In addition, two student representatives — a voting member and an alternate — are elected by the Board of Trustees at the annual meeting in September.

Members of the Board of Trustees represent a diverse range of experience and backgrounds from business, industry and academia. The Board meets four times each year in September, December, March and June. The president serves as secretary of the Board and is an ex officio, nonvoting member.

The Board oversees all policy matters of the University, including the approval of degree programs and standards and budget recommendations to the state treasurer. It is responsible for selecting and hiring the president, who serves at the pleasure of the Board, and it approves appointments of all other University employees.

The Board has four working committees that parallel the organizational divisions of the University: the Academic Affairs Committee; the Administration, Audit and Finance Committee; the Compensation Committee; and the Executive Committee. These committees meet as needed prior to established Board meetings to review relevant issues to be presented at the Board meetings.

Board Members:

Gualberto (Gil) Medina, Chair

Michael R. Toscani, Vice Chair

Rev. J. Stanley Justice

Eric Robert Lear

Brian T. Maloney

Jamie Schaefer, Student Trustee

Merodie A. Hancock, Ph.D., ex-officio
President, Thomas Edison State University