Survey Administration

Survey Administration

Adult Learner Inventory (ALI)

The Adult Learner Inventory (ALI) is a web based survey, administered by Noel-Levitz biannually to students who have been enrolled in the University for at least 6-12 months. The survey examines issues of importance to students as well as students’ ratings of satisfaction with their college experience. This analytical tool provides a wealth of demographic information on the “new” students as well as allowing us to do benchmarking against a national group of students. The survey was developed by Noel-Levitz in cooperation with the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL).

Persistence Survey

The primary objective of the Persistence Survey is to aide Thomas Edison State University in understanding and addressing the factors that drive learner decisions to leave the University before degree completion. Secondary objectives include developing metrics that the University can implement to improve “stop-out” management, as well as make recommendations to College services that could reduce “stop-outs.”

Graduate Survey

The Graduate Survey is a self-administered survey completed by recent undergraduates of Thomas Edison State University. The survey was designed to examine their perceptions of and satisfaction with the services and programs at the University. It is one of several measures used to assess the effectiveness of offered programs, products, and services. Findings from the survey are updated annually to reflect responses from additional graduates.

The survey consists of four parts: focusing on the impact the graduates’ educational profile, experiences, and goals, graduates’ perceptions of the impact that the University had on their employment and educational goals, their ratings of various programs, services and products at the University, and to rate their overall experience with the University and indicate whether they would recommend the University to others. Graduates are also able to provide general comments about their College experience.

5-Year Out Graduate Survey

The 5-Year Out Graduate survey is designed to examine graduates’ perceptions of how the University impacted their employment advancement and goals five years after graduation. The survey focuses on the perceptions on how the University impacted their employment and advancement, current employment information, income statistics, student status, and rating of the University experience. The survey is administered annually.