Advisory regarding Southern California wildfires

Advisory regarding Southern California wildfires

On behalf of everyone at Thomas Edison State University, we hope that students affected by the wildfires in Southern California remain safe. The University is offering accommodations to students affected by the wildfires:

  • Students who are directly impacted by the fires and who are currently registered in courses for the November 2024, December 2024 and January 2025 terms have the option of receiving a free eight-week course extension without mentor approval; or, a 100% tuition credit for their course(s) to a future term. Affected students should submit a Request for Course Extension Form or a Request for Course Withdrawal Form indicating “Southern California wildfires” as the reason for the request. Please note that TECEP exams in these terms cannot be extended, nor credited for tuition after the exam has been taken.
  • Impacted students who are currently on a course extension for the September 2024 and October 2024 terms can request a second eight-week extension on their current term at no additional cost.

Request an Accommodation: Students affected by the wildfire and evacuations who need an accommodation should contact the Office of the Registrar by email at or by phone at 609-777-5680. Accommodation requests should be submitted by January 24th. Requests after that date can be accommodated if the student provides documentation of the reason for the late request.

Professional Learning Review FAQs for Organizations

  • What is the contact information for the Office of Professional Learning Review?

    You can contact the Office directly by phone at (609) 633-6271 or via

  • What is a Professional Learning Review?

    A Professional Learning Review is a service Thomas Edison State University offers to organizations to determine whether the organization's training and education programs provide college-level learning and can be applied as credit to an academic program at the University.

    Depending on the outcome of a Professional Learning Review, individuals who complete a training or education program that was assessed by the University can earn credit at the University for that training. The program is cost effective and brings the value-added benefit of University credit to an organization’s training.  The review consists of a team of subject matter experts who evaluate the objectives, content and assessment strategies of the courses being submitted for review.  Working with the Office of Professional Learning Review also provides an opportunity for an organization to create an academic partnership with Thomas Edison State University. 

  • Who decides if training, certification, license, or apprenticeship is college-level for TESU credit?

    An Academic Review Team, which is comprised of subject matter experts in specific areas, evaluates the training and education programs to determine whether it is college-level. This team also recommends how many credits to award for the training and at what level (undergraduate or graduate). Thomas Edison State University is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools and awards college credits for programs that have successfully undergone a Professional Learning Review process.

  • What is the Professional Learning Review process?

    The following outlines the steps for a Professional Learning Review:

    • The organization sponsoring the learning experience responds to preliminary questions to determine suitability for a professional learning review.
    • Approved organizations complete a formal application for a PLR.
    • The review is scheduled approximately 4 – 6 weeks after the PLR application is received.
    • Thomas Edison State University review team evaluates the learning experience for college credit.
    • Thomas Edison State University creates a report that details any credits awarded; report is reviewed and approved by University’s academic bodies.
    • Completion of the learning experience is now worth college credit at Thomas Edison State University.
    • Participants who successfully complete the learning experience can apply the credits earned toward a degree at Thomas Edison State University or purchase a University transcript;. The sponsoring organization must maintain learner records and submit official documentation to the University when a learner seeks to utilize the review credits for either of these purposes.

  • What does the team evaluate?

    The team will examine course content, the depth and breadth of learning, learning outcomes, instruments used to measure learning outcomes (e.g., exams, term papers, etc.), course materials, required readings, projects or assignments, instructors’ credentials and length of courses.

  • What types of questions could the team ask an organization during the review?

    Each Professional Learning Review is unique, however some common questions include:

    • What is the completion rate for this course and has it changed in the last few years?
    • How does the organization determine whether a course meets the definition of college level?
    • What instrument has been developed to measure students’ learning at the college level?
    • How does an organization ensure quality instruction?
    • What formal evaluation is used by the organization to evaluate instructors?
    • Is there a systematic way for students to evaluate the instructors’ performance?
    • How does an organization ensure that academic standards are maintained?
    • Do students further their education once they complete the course or program?
  • How does an organization maintain the validity of the credit award?

    To maintain the validity of the credit award after the initial Professional Learning Review, an organization must:

    • Participate in the annual review quality control process that consists of filling out a one-page questionnaire for each course once a year. Unless a course undergoes significant changes, the annual review takes very little time and entails a nominal cost.
    • Undergo a program review process every five years. 

    The review is valid for a set review period, which is tied to the academic review period of the academic program at the University that the review is linked to.  At the end of the review period, a re-review is required to maintain the credit award.

  • What about organizations with multiple sites?

    Organizations with multiple sites may have the credit award extended to other training sites where their courses are being taught, provided specific requirements are met.

  • How much does a Professional Learning Review cost?

    Each Professional Learning Review is unique and cost varies based on the number and type of programs being reviewed. To get an estimate for what a Professional Learning Review for your organization will cost, or for more information, contact us at (609) 633-6271 or