Advisory regarding Southern California wildfires

Advisory regarding Southern California wildfires

On behalf of everyone at Thomas Edison State University, we hope that students affected by the wildfires in Southern California remain safe. The University is offering accommodations to students affected by the wildfires:

  • Students who are directly impacted by the fires and who are currently registered in courses for the November 2024, December 2024 and January 2025 terms have the option of receiving a free eight-week course extension without mentor approval; or, a 100% tuition credit for their course(s) to a future term. Affected students should submit a Request for Course Extension Form or a Request for Course Withdrawal Form indicating “Southern California wildfires” as the reason for the request. Please note that TECEP exams in these terms cannot be extended, nor credited for tuition after the exam has been taken.
  • Impacted students who are currently on a course extension for the September 2024 and October 2024 terms can request a second eight-week extension on their current term at no additional cost.

Request an Accommodation: Students affected by the wildfire and evacuations who need an accommodation should contact the Office of the Registrar by email at or by phone at 609-777-5680. Accommodation requests should be submitted by January 24th. Requests after that date can be accommodated if the student provides documentation of the reason for the late request.

IRB Forms

Procedures for Submission of Forms

The principal investigator accesses the IRB web site for information regarding adherence to IRB information and protocols. Forms for submission are found on the web site. After completion, forms are submitted electronically to the appropriate IRB member, and IRB office as indicated.

Form A: Decision Making Tool: Does the project fall under the category of human subjects research?

The investigator provides an abstract or summary of the proposed research project and completes the check list and form, in consultation with the designated IRB member. The designated IRB member is found on the IRB website. The IRB member determines if the project is research or not, and responds to the investigator. This form is sent by the IRB member to the IRB Office. If the project is determined to be research, the Application for Research must be submitted.

Form B: Application for IRB Approval

The investigator fills out the form, attaching all appropriate documents, which may include, but are not limited to: consent form, letters of agreement from appropriate facility, or permissions to perform research at a facility, research proposal. The investigator may consult with the IRB member who assisted them with Form A, if questions arise, or the IRB chair. Incomplete applications or applications missing components will be returned to the investigator.

After submission of a completed Application for IRB approval, the IRB member will review and approve exempt research, and communicate to the investigator the outcome. If the IRB member determines that the research is expedited, a consultation with the IRB chair is required. Upon agreement that the research is exempt or expedited, the completed form is sent electronically to the IRB office for filing. The time frame for review and decision making will be 7 business days. In the event of vacation or absence from the University, the IRB chair may appoint another IRB member to review the application.

In the event that the application needs a full board review, the IRB chair convenes an electronic meeting to review the proposal. The time frame for convening the meeting date is within 14 business days from time of notification to IRB chair. The chair will notify the investigator of the outcome of IRB’s decision. A copy of the application and approval letter is sent electronically to the IRB office for filing.

If the research application is denied, the denied application goes to the full board for review. A rationale is provided by the IRB member for denial of the research.

The appeal process will be handled by the Office of the Provost.

Down Form